The Digital Shaman is an individual who is grounded in both the digital and the physical worlds. They guide others from birth into the digital realm where they can be confronted with the traumatic reality of their future fragmented virtual selves. They stem from the traditional shaman as guide and healer, taking lessons and energies from the transcendental realm by entering into states of altered consciousness.
Digital Shamanism documents the process of living in two simultaneous realities: the digital and the physical. These realities confront and fracture one another, straining our minds and our spirits. Through rituals and journeys into digital realms, the Digital Shaman learns to exist as a conduit between these realities to bring back knowledge from deep within the network.
Western scientific empiricism has denied the benefit and efficacy of traditional shamanism as a psychological and spiritual healing practice. It has also denied the validity of these magical realms whilst simultaneously constructing its own digital spiritual network.
Our bodies and minds are digitalised from pre-birth. We are forced into the network to exist eternally. Therefore it is essential that we learn how and where we float through this realm in order to embrace both realities in the hope that we can once again exist grounded and whole.